IPDE is the direct result of over 25 years of experience in the world of professional football.  

IPDE is what we believe to be one of the most advanced development programs for footballers in the football scene. IPDE distinguishes and merges work with the person and the athlete.  

The project has a set of peculiarities that make it unique in its kind, including the study centre, an international network of individual training centres, methodology, content, innovative technical equipment, the use of modern test and control technologies, training and the combined approach of multilevel individual football teaching procedures with sports science,  mental health and nutrition. 

Our teams are composed of established professionals who have achieved important results at international level and are supported by specialized collaborators. 

Generally, the players who undertake the IPDE training course come from foreign football realities, even outside Europe, they practice competitive activity in their countries of good level. 

IPDE aims to improve the football performance of footballers in all areas to allow them to take the game to the next level. Being part of football clubs in the country where the player is a guest is fundamental both for the programs and for his success. 

IPDE provides the player with all the necessary tools for its development. 

Monitoring and specialized individual training, specific methodology, strength and condition training, Mental Coach and Nutritionist. This is a high-intensity program that requires the full commitment of the process to maximize your potential. 

Individual training sessions are four weeklies. Participants in the 365 DAYS Program also take part in training sessions at the 2-3 days clubs and championship matches on weekends. 

All IDPE athletes live in housing where they are completely self-sufficient. This includes personal hygiene, room cleaning, training, educational requirements, and timing. Training to become a professional athlete includes self-awareness, responsibility, and independence. IDPE specialists also closely monitor all these elements as part of the program; However, it is important that the athlete learns to behave in a way befitting a professional. 

IPDE 15 DAYS 14+

IPDE 30 DAYS 14+

IPDE 90 DAYS 16+

IPDE 180 DAYS 18+