IPDE is looking for serious and talented footballers who want to grow, develop, and commit themselves to achieve excellent results for their future. IPDE is designed for players who can excel and reach the next level by developing in a professional football environment. IPDE always asks 100% from its players both on and off the pitch. 

The IPDE is designed for elite high-potential players. Student-athletes must be able to keep up with all training and competition programs. All players who wish to enter the program must undergo our selection process to be accepted. 

This program is designed to develop and improve in special Players Development Centre, all young footballers between 10-18 years. 

Only IPDE 180 DAY or IPDE SAION athletes will need a visual akum. 

PLAYERSLAB cannot assist you in this procedure. 

Yes, the price includes a special meal prepared high in calories for both lunch and dinner. Breakfast will be at the discretion of the athlete. 

No. Prices do not include flights. 

For the 1-month program a deposit of 50% will be required upon acceptance of the application with the balance due 1 week before arrival. 

For the 3-month program a deposit of 50% will be due upon acceptance of the application with the balance due 1 week before arrival. 

For the 6-month program a deposit of 50% will be due upon acceptance of the application with an additional 25% due 1 week prior to arrival. The balance will be paid at the end of the 4th month- 

For the 10-month program a deposit of 50% will be due upon acceptance of the application with an additional 25% due 1 week prior to arrival. The balance will be paid in 5 monthly payments starting from the beginning of month 5 until 10. 

IPDE provides a “Meet & Greet” service that provides arrival/departure airport transfers to and from your accommodation. 

Yes, IPDE provides medical insurance coverage. 

All players will receive an individual training kit upon arrival. The team kit will be provided by the Club at the time of signing. All players must bring their own shin guards and boots/cleats. 

Players will benefit from coaches to physiotherapists as part of the program. Any more serious injuries requiring medical attention will be treated through insurance. One of our IPDE Athlete Liaison Manager will assist the athlete for all his needs. 

English, Italian and German are the main languages spoken. 

YES. We require everyone (student-athletes, coaches, and staff) to sign our code of conduct upon arrival. We reserve the right to suspend or expel anyone who fails to behave or act in accordance with the Code of Conduct. 

Yes, we highly recommend family support and visits, however we highly recommend this between seasons or during scheduled breaks. Players are expected to fully commit to the season of play and taking time off during the season is not good for the club. Even in the breaks most of the clubs will continue to train and IPDE will stop only at the end of the year of play. 

All accommodation facilities are single and/or double rooms of excellent quality with private bathroom and shared kitchen. The option for single accommodation is available at a higher cost. We encourage shared housing to build friendships and help players adapt to the new environment. 

We offer a wide range of activities and excursions on weekends. You also could attend matches and other club matches. At the same time, it is important to spend quality time and relax to allow recovery time for the intensive training program. Athletes who are part of the IPDE Saison development program will play for their club on most weekends. 

YES. A Welfare Officer will be present to monitor and support the health, safety, and well-being of student-athletes. All athletes will also have direct phone numbers for our liaison managers with athletes who take care of all the individual needs of the IPDE athlete. 

IPDE has a designated welfare officer to discuss any questions you may have. There will be an emergency mobile number available 24 hours a day. IPDE Technical Directors are also readily available for any further support. 

You will receive a copy of all information regarding IPDE programs with registration acceptance documentation. 


If you are from one of the following countries, you must apply for a visa before travelling to one of the Schengen States:

Afghanistan | Gabon | North Korea

Algeria | Gambia | Northern Mariana’s

Angola | Ghana | Oman

Armenia | Guinea | Pakistan

Azerbaijan | Guinea-Bissau | Papua New Guinea

Bahrain | Guyana | Philippines

Bangladesh | Haiti | Qatar

Belarus | India | Russia

Belize | Indonesia | Rwanda

Benin | Iran | Sao Tome And Principe

Bhutan | Iraq | Saudi Arabia

Bolivia | Jamaica | Senegal

Botswana | Jordan | Sierra Leone

Burkina Faso | Kazakhstan | Somalia

Burma/Myanmar | Kenya | South Africa

Burundi | Kosova | Sri Lanka

Cambodia | Kuwait | Sudan

Cameroon | Kyrgyzstan | Suriname

Cape Verde | Laos | Swaziland

Central African | Republic Lebanon | Syria

Chad | Lesotho | Tajikistan

China | Liberia | Tanzania

Comoros | Libya | Thailand

Congo | Madagascar | Timor-Leste

Cote D’ivoire | Malawi | Togo

Cuba | Maldives | Tonga

Dem. Rep. Of Congo | Mali | Tunisia

Djibouti | Mauritania | Turkey

Dominican Republic | Mongolia | Turkmenistan

Ecuador | Morocco | Uganda

Egypt | Mozambique | Uzbekistan

Equatorial Guinea | Namibia | Vietnam

Eritrea | Nepal | Yemen

Ethiopia | Niger | Zambia

Fiji | Nigeria | Zimbabwe


*As the EU has partially abolished the visa waiver agreement with Vanuatu, only Vanuatu citizens holding ordinary passports issued before 25 May 2015 can enter the Schengen area without a visa. 

If you are from one of the following countries/territories, you can travel to Europe for up to 90 days without applying for a VISUM Schengen:

Albania | Andorra

Antigua And Barbuda | Argentina

Australia | Bahamas

Barbados | Bosnia And Herzegovina

Brazil | Brunei Darussalam

Canada | Chile

Colombia | Costa Rica

Dominica | El Salvador

North Macedonia | Georgia

Grenada | Guatemala

Vatican City State | Honduras

Israel | Japan

Kiribati | Malaysia

Marshall | Islands Mauritius

Mexico | Micronesia

Moldova | Monaco

Montenegro | New Zealand

Nicaragua | Palau

Panama | Paraguay

Peru | Samoa

San Marino | Seychelles

Serbia | Singapore

Solomon Islands | South Korea

St Kitts And Nevis | St Lucia

St Vincent And The Grenadines | Trinidad And Tobago

Tuvalu | Ukraine*

United Arab Emirates | United States Of America

Uruguay | Vanuatu

Venezuela | United Kingdom

If you are from one of the countries listed below, you must have a visa when passing through the international transit area of an airport in any of the Schengen States: 



Democratic Republic Of The Congo









Sri Lanka

Schengen airport transit visa exemptions 

You may be exempt from holding an airport transit visa when travelling through Schengen if: 

You already have a valid Schengen visa. 

You have a valid residence permit issued by an EU or EEA Member State. 

You have a valid visa issued by an EU or EEA member state, Canada, Japan, or the United States. 

You have a valid residence permit issued by the Principality of Andorra, Canada, Japan, the Republic of San Marino, or the United States. 

You are a family member of an EU, EEA, or Swiss citizen. 

You have a diplomatic passport. 

You are a member of the national flight crew of a contracting party to the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation. 

Read also: Schengen rules calculator 90/180 

Citizens of the following countries only need a visa when transiting through specific Schengen states, as listed: 

· Algeria – Czech Republic

· Angola – France

· Armenia – Czech Republic

· Bolivia – France

· Cameroon – Greece, Spain, France

· Central African Republic – France

· Chad – Czech Republic, France

· Congo – Greece, Spain, France

· Côte d’Ivoire – Spain, France

· Cuba – Czech Republic, Spain, France, Netherlands, Poland

· Djibouti – Spain

· Dominican Republic – Belgium, France

· Egypt – Czech Republic

· Gambia – Spain

· Guinea – Belgium, Spain, France, Netherlands, Portugal

· Guinea Bissau – Belgium, Spain, Netherlands

· Haiti – France, Spain

· India – Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France

· Jordan – Germany

· Lebanon – Czech Republic, Germany

· Liberia – Spain

· Libya – Czech Republic

· Mali – Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, France

· Mauritania – Czech Republic, France

· Nepal – Belgium, Netherlands

· Niger – Czech Republic

· Philippines – France

· Palestinians – Belgium, Czechia, France, Spain

· Sierra Leone – France, the Netherlands, Spain

· Syria – Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland

· Togo – France, Spain

· Yemen – Belgium, Czechia, France, Spain

No, they don’t. UK citizens can travel to any country in the Schengen area for up to 90 days in any 180-day period for tourism, business and other short-term purposes. 

American citizens do not need a visa to travel to Europe for up to 90 days in any 180-day period for tourism or business. However, for long-term study or work, Americans must apply for the corresponding visa and/or residence permit. 

A green card does not give you visa-free access to Europe. If you are from a country that normally needs a Schengen visa, you must apply for one before traveling, even if you have a US green card. 

Although Schengen states are not included, with your Green Card you can travel to Canada, Mexico and some other European countries. 

No, you don’t. If you already hold a residence permit issued by a Schengen state, you are free to travel to all other Member States without a visa for up to 90 days in any 180-day period. 

No, I’m not. Non-EU family members (spouse, children) of EU/EEA citizens must have a valid Schengen visa to travel together with their EU/EEA citizen family member, unless they are from a visa-free country. 

Marriage or kinship with an EU/EEA citizen does not guarantee visa-free travel for the EU.